Friday, 12 November 2010

Running the Camel Trail! (from Wenford Bridge to Bodmin to Wadebridge to Padstow)

This run's a bit of a departure... and not just because I've headed off to East Cornwall for a change.

All the video - and much of the commentary - is provided by my roving, cycling parents, convinced to come along for the trip by the promise of the UK's most beautiful cycle trail. Embarrassing comments aside, I think they do a pretty good job for a first attempt.

By dropping a car off at each end, we managed to do the whole 17.5 miles of the trail... although big chunks of it aren't captured here, as I lost my parents around Wadebridge (and/or Dad forgot to do any filming!).

Nonetheless, you do get many of the highlights... plus a sense of how the character of the river and surrounding valley changes so dramatically along the course of the trail.

One further note: if you're not going to do the whole thing, my advice is to head for the section upstream of Bodmin. These wooded valley areas are far prettier than the later bit... and, judging by the comparative lack of tourists, something of a hidden gem.

Here's the route - mostly traffic-free, and fairly faithful to the Trail itself... although there's some jiggery-pokery around Wadebridge, where the official trail signs leave the riverside, which seems a shame, so I improvised a bit.

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  1. Another one to add to my list of *places I want to run when my leg is fixed*. It looks gorgeous.
